Grilled Burgers

Grilled Burgers

4 servings

You can prepare wonderful grilled burgers easily and quickly. Prepare a wonderful sauce even the day before in the fridge to wait for the moment of deliciousness. Always keep Bonne fruit purées in your cupboard. They are versatile and you can use them in cooking, baking, desserts and even in wonderful smoothies.

4 hamburger buns
400 g ground beef
½ tsp salt or to taste

In addition:
1 beef tomato
4 lettuce leaves
4 slices of cheddar cheese

1 tablespoon fresh ginger
1 onion
3 cloves of garlic
2-3 tablespoons of rapeseed oil
½ tsp chili flakes or to taste
5 dl Bonne Pineapple purée
1 tablespoon soy sauce or to taste

Start by making the sauce.
Peel and chop the ginger, onion and garlic cloves.
Heat the rapeseed oil in a pot or saucepan and add ginger, onion and garlic.
Turn for a moment, but do not brown.
Add the chili flakes and pineapple puree and bring to a boil.
Add soy sauce and check the taste.
Heat and let it boil on low heat for about 10 minutes. Cool down.

Bring out the other ingredients.
Put the minced meat on the work board and grind in the salt.
Turn flat and divide into four equal parts.
Shape into patties.
Take out the lettuce leaves.
Cut the beef tomato into slices.

Grill the ground beef patties on a hot grill on both sides.
Heat the hamburger buns on both sides.
Spread the pineapple sauce on the bottom half of the hamburger bun and place the ground beef patty on top.
Top with cheddar cheese, lettuce and steak tomato.
Spoon more pineapple sauce over the tomato.
Lift the lid of the hamburger bun on top.

Recipe: Hellapoliisi