A Lovely Bubbly Blueberry Drink

A lovely bubbly blueberry drink


2 liters of prepared drink

Drinks are needed in the summer heat. Here's a great and easy recipe for a really delicious and beautifully colored blueberry drink, which you can serve from a pitcher or for a large group you can prepare it in, say, a drinking vessel with a tap. Increase the recipe if necessary. If the drink has to stand for a while, you can prepare with ice cubes. The day before or earlier, put blueberry juice in ice cube trays in the freezer and add them to the drink before serving.

1 pot of rosemary
1 l Bonne Blueberry juice
1 l of mineral water or lemonade
ice cubes or ice cubes made from blueberry juice

Put the rosemary sprigs whole in a jug or drinking vessel with a tap.
Add blueberry juice and mineral water or lemonade.
Add ice cubes.


Recipe: Hellapoliisi